Selecting the perfect dog food isn’t just about curbing your furry friend’s appetite; it’s about ensuring they thrive with the right nutrients for a joyful, healthy life.

The pet food market is brimming with brands that claim to deliver the best for your beloved canine, and one such contender is Hungry Hound.

Their dry dog food line is on the spotlight, and today, we’ll unravel the truth behind Hungry Hound Dog Food to see if it’s a worthy contender for your four-legged companion.

Hungry Hound Dog Food Review: Is It Worth It?
Image Credit: unsplash


Let’s begin with the Ingredients: What’s Inside Hungry Hound Dog Food?

Powerful Proteins:

  • Wheat middlings
  • Corn distillers dried grains with solubles
  • Hominy feed
  • Soybean meal
  • Animal digest

Golden Grains:

  • Ground yellow corn

Mineral Marvels:

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Iron amino acid chelate
  • Zinc amino acid chelate
  • Manganese amino acid chelate
  • Ferrous sulfate
  • Zinc oxide
  • Copper amino acid chelate
  • Manganous oxide
  • Copper sulfate

Healthy Fats and Oils:

  • Animal fat (preserved with BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin)

Balancing Additives:

  • Salt
  • Propionic acid
  • Choline chloride

Vital Vitamins:

  • Vitamin E supplement
  • Niacin supplement
  • D-calcium pantothenate
  • Vitamin A supplement
  • Ethylenediamine dihydriodide
  • Thiamine mononitrate
  • Riboflavin supplement
  • Menadione sodium bisulfate complex
  • Vitamin D3 supplement
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • Folic acid
  • Biotin
  • Vitamin B12 supplement

First up, Wheat Middlings: An Inexpensive Concern?

The primary ingredient in Hungry Hound Dog Food is wheat middlings, which is essentially a by-product of grain processing.

While it might sound wholesome, it’s often associated with lower-quality pet foods due to its inconsistent nutrient content.

In reality, wheat middlings can be likened to milling dust and floor sweepings, which raises questions about its suitability for dog food.

Corn Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles: An Ethanol By-Product

The second ingredient, corn distillers dried grains with solubles, is a by-product of the ethanol industry and is more commonly used in cattle feed than pet food. Not the most auspicious start.

Hominy Feed: Nutritional Modesty

The third component, hominy feed, is a cereal grain by-product that offers little nutritional value beyond its energy content. It’s a staple in cattle feed but doesn’t shine when it comes to nourishing dogs.

Corn: Controversial and Cheap

Corn, the fourth ingredient, is a budget-friendly cereal grain with limited nutritional benefits. Beyond providing energy, it doesn’t offer much, making it less appealing as a key ingredient.

Calcium Carbonate: A Dietary Supplement

The fifth ingredient, calcium carbonate, is likely included as a dietary mineral supplement.

Soybean Meal: Protein Source with Limitations

The sixth ingredient, soybean meal, is a by-product of soybean oil production. While it contains 48% protein, its biological value falls short of meat sources. It can inflate the overall protein content on the label, so consider this when assessing the meat content of this dog food.

Animal Fat: A Questionable Mystery

The seventh ingredient is generic animal fat, whose source isn’t specified, raising concerns about its quality. It’s preserved with BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin, which have their share of controversies.

Animal Digest: Taste Enhancement

The eighth ingredient is animal digest, a blend of animal by-products used to enhance the kibble’s flavor.

Hungry Hound Dog Food Review: Is It Worth It?
Image Credit: pexels



Is Hungry Hound Dog Food suitable for dogs with allergies or dietary sensitivities?

Some Hungry Hound formulas may cater to specific dietary needs; check the product labels for allergen information.

Are there any recalls associated with Hungry Hound Dog Food?

No, Hungry Hound Dog Food has not been subject to any recalls.

Can I find Hungry Hound Dog Food in local stores, or is it only available online?

Hungry Hound products are typically available in select retail stores and online.

Final verdict on Hungry Hound Dog Food?

Judging by its ingredients, it seems to be a below-average dry dog food. But ingredient quality is just one facet; we must also consider its meat content.

It offers a dry matter protein of 18%, fat level of 7%, and estimated carbohydrates around 67%. The fat-to-protein ratio sits at approximately 38%, indicating below-average protein, below-average fat, and above-average carbs compared to typical dry dog foods.

In conclusion, Hungry Hound’s dry dog food relies heavily on soybean meal as its primary protein source. Based on this assessment, it earns a one-star rating, suggesting it’s not the best choice for your dog.

Remember that different recipes may vary in ratings based on meat content and fat-to-protein ratios. On the bright side, Hungry Hound Dog Food hasn’t been subjected to recalls.

In parting words, prioritize your pet’s health and happiness when selecting dog food. Opt for brands with high-quality ingredients, balanced protein and fat, and steer clear of questionable additives.

For tailored guidance on choosing the perfect food for your dog’s unique needs, consult with your veterinarian. Your furry friend’s well-being hinges on their nutrition, so make informed choices.

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